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| NYRA North Dakota News Archive14 November 2002: NYRA North Dakota is gathering bipartisan support for a petition to lower the voting age to 16. We are moving as quickly as possible and will keep you updated. To give you an idea of the process- Here it is:
19 September 2002: Please excuse the update delay! NYRA North Dakota is still alive and kicking. Right now, Billy Luetzen is taking surveys at Magic City Campus about the 'O'riginal Bar situation so that Cory and Chelsey can show them to City Councilman Ron Boen at a lunch sometime in the near future. In a side note, it was not NYRA North Dakota that was responsible for eliminating age discrimination at a local mall as reported by (the online side of the newspaper at the University of Missouri - Columbia). That was NYRA Tennessee Valley, and you can check them out at their website, which is under our Links section. 06 September 2002: We've finished redesigning the NYRA site and we hope you enjoy it. We've put up the meeting minutes from August 8th as recorded by Chelsey.
02 September 2002: NYRA-ND is going to be doing a lot this month! Starting tommorrow, we'll be distributing an anonymous survey at school to help us get ammunition for getting the dances at the "O"riginal Bar approved. Also, NYRA-ND has been in contact with the Electronic Frontier Foundation and we're going to go up against the school's web filter! 29 August 2002: The meeting tonight dealt with many issues, particularly the subject of the "O"riginal Bar and Nightclub's plan to have 16-plus dances. Also discussed were our plans for a youth community center and relations with city hall. 10 August 2002: Today we received the Certificate of Incorporation from the state. Effective yesterday, NYRA North Dakota is an official nonprofit corporation! Hooray! We're also working on a modest site update to make it more organized. 08 August 2002: Hello all. Johnathan here. The meeting today was pretty successful. I was appointed Financial Consultant, Billy Luetzen was appointed Activities Consultant, and several people joined the standing commitees formed, the Action Committee and the Fundraising Committee. The bylaws were approved, we talked about some key issues, filled out registrations, and then adjourned. Jason Gagnon was appointed webmaster, so I may have a more supportive role in the development of this site. However, I will continue to manage the e-mail list. 07 August 2002: I've made a new graphic for the website. Enjoy!
04 August 2002: The NYRA national newsletter, "NYRA Freedom," has found a home on the web at They've included a little news about us. 30 July 2002: Today marks the launch of the NYRA North Dakota website. My name is Johnathan McClure and I will be the webmaster, for now at least. Cory asked me to be webmaster of the chapter site as he is bogged down with the responsibility of maintaining the JavaScript-bloated page of the national organization. More importantly: NYRA North Dakota filed all the paperwork for incorporation of the 24th of July (having filled it out the previous night) and we are expecting a response from the Secretary of State very soon.
NYRA meeting
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